Creations by

Terms of service quick links:
(For PC use)
Terms of service
My general terms of service applies to all products. Some products will have additional guidelines and have been split into easy to find sections for this reason.
Commercial use
Prices listed on my page are for personal use only.
If the item commissioned is intended to be used in a commercial product (eg: A game asset or a design for a tee shirt that will be sold) then an additional fee on top of my regular prices will be calculated.
If a client breaks my terms of service after agreeing to them, they will be blacklisted.
Client must always credit me as the original creator/designer, even if the item is redesigned/refurbished.
If a client issues a chargeback after receiving a finished item, they will be blacklisted.
I currently only take Paypal as my preferred method of payment.
A signed contract will be used for any order exceeding €1000.
If a client issues a chargeback after receiving their item, a public beware will be made and I will contest this with the paypal/the bank.
I will require a DIGITAL reference sheet of your character before I can agree to work. (with the exception of a reference sheet being the item ordered)
I can only do business with people over 18, if a customer is under 18 I will will only do business through their legal guardians. See section below titled "Buying an item for someone else" for guidelines on buying an item on behalf of another person.
If a client lies about their age in an attempt to purchase an item from me, they wil be blacklisted.
Projects will require payment of a non refundable deposit of 30% of the total cost before it is begun
If a project is cancelled, you can be refunded up to 70% of the final cost depending on the item ordered and level of completion (you don't get refunded the 30% non refundable deposit) and you forfeit all the materials and items/parts that have been made so far to myself.
If you have no deadline, you can spend up to 3 months paying off your non refundable deposit. You can pay the rest under a payment plan which can be organised and agreed upon before commencing the commission process.
Non refundable deposits with rush fees need to be paid within 3 weeks of receiving your quote to reach the deadline.
The rush fee amount will be dependant on a combination of complexity, amount ordered, and deadline required.
See pricing: fursuits for an example cost breakdown. -
Quotes are only valid for 3 months after being issued. After this the client will have to request a new quote.
A price quoted is subject to change if there is a substantial time period between requesting the quote, and going to order the item. Eg: requesting a quote January 2020, and going to order it at that price in November 2020, or if my prices changed between getting your quote and ordering (I will announce on all platforms if a price increase is coming up)
The finished art piece will not be sent to the customer until full payment is received.
Payment plans are an option, in which the buyer can pay off an item monthly or weekly until the full amount has been payed, after which the item will be dispatched.
----eg: items costs €1000,
buyer sends €100 per month for 10 months,
In this case, project begins after month 3, (30% paid) and is sent after month 10 (100% paid) -
Please note that there is a queue and as such, it may take a while before your commission is completed. Please notify me before the project begins if you need it by a particular date.
If you wish to bypass the queue, you can pay an additional fee which will be dependent on the complexity of your project. (rush order). The cost of which is determined by the complexity of the project.
Prices listed are only a rough starting estimate, for a more accurate price you can message me
Artistic freedom option will lower the price of the project, but the artist has full design control.
Pre - made projects will occasionally be available for purchase through auction, or though my Etsy store which can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/ie/shop/LadyNightLightsLair
If you want your item altered or fixed after receiving it, it is the customers responsibility to pay the shipping and customs both ways, to first send it back to the artist for repairs, and then for the artist to send it back to the customer.
Work in progress pictures can be requested at any time, though a minimum wait period of 5 days between each request is advised so as not to clutter my inbox.
If a client requests an item from me for free two times, they will be blacklisted. I will give a warning when they ask the first time.
Fursuit Specific
Please note that as these are handmade items, absolute perfect symmetry is impossible. Other instances such as slightly wavy eye mesh or the occasional small popped seam is also possible due to it being a handmade item that is worn for physically intensive events.
Once a client purchases a fursuit from me, they can do whatever they wish with the suit. This includes alterations, reselling for a higher monetary amount, or creating adult content. You just have to ensure that I am always cited as the original creator.
For fursuit quotes, I will need a multi-sided reference sheet of your character if they have asymmetric markings.
If you cancel the fursuit commission and wish for a refund, you will be refunded your money except for the non refundable deposit. Some of the suits colours or markings will then be altered so it is a different character, and sold as a premade.
The maximum time to pay off a suit after paying the non refundable deposit is 15 months if the price of the order is €2000 or more.
If the price of the order is between €1000 and €1999, the maximum time to pay off a suit is 12 months.
If the price of the order is under €999, the maximum time to pay off a suit is 6 months. -
If this period passes and the suit has not yet been paid off in full, the commission will be cancelled and the customer refunded up to 70% of the quoted final total. The fursuit will then be altered and sold as a premade design. This amount will be different for Artistic liberty/surprise fursuits.
You can find a list of the patterns i currently have access to use commercially on my website in the section: Pricing: Fursuits.If there is a particular pattern that you want me to use from this list, please let me know in advance as this may change the cost.
For fursuits and costumes, I provide 1 year of warranty on fixing anything that fails due to poor craftmanship (eg: eyes falling out due to not being glued in sufficiently), this does not cover accidental or intentional damage. This will cover the cost of repairs, but not the shipping of the item to and from me.
The above warranty is also voided should the client not follow the guidelines provided for washing and maintaining your fursuit. (Eg: If the client submerges the head in water).
If a marking or design element is wrong on a characters reference sheet but the client does not inform me of this when requesting a price quote, they will have to pay an additional fee during production to have it implemented (if it is still possible for me to include it, as all projects have a point of no return for adding in new elements).
These changes may cause a project to take longer than the clients initial requested deadline.
------Eg 1: The client forgot to include freckles on the reference sheet, they were given a price quote that did not include freckles. While I am making the fursuit they mention the character should have freckles. If it is still possible to include it, they will now have to pay extra to have it added in.
------Eg 2: The client forgot to colour in the claws on their reference sheet. I assume they should have white claws, while the client wanted blue claws. I now need to order in new fabric in the correct colour to match their new claws. This additional fabric with shipping will cost a lot more than my usual €20 charge for a set of hand paw claws, and will mean the project will take longer than expected while I wait for the new materials to arrive.
Artistic liberty/Surprise suits
These are suits in which the client has very little creative control over what I create, they don't see any update pictures until the suit is finished and passed the point of being able to have any design alterations. (Like a fursuit lucky dip)
The client can select any, all or none of the design elements indicated in the below when buying an artistic liberty fursuit.
Classic (head starts at €1500), or Deluxe (head starts at €2000)
A vague species (Eg: Saying "Bird" instead of "Red Kestral")
Gendered appearance (Masculine/feminine/gender neutral)
Up to two emojis to influence the design. (These will be used as inspiration and may not be taken literally, but any emoji is welcome. I will need you to send a screenshot as they may be viewed differently on your device.)
The client can NOT choose:
The specific species (Eg: saying "Boarder collie" instead of " domestic dog/canine")
The materials used (I will use my artistic judgement to give a great finish)
The colours used (unless indicated in the 2 chosen emojis from the section mentioned previously, however other colours in addition to the selected ones may also still be implemented at my discretion)
Specific features such as horns/following eyes/painted scales etc. (These items may appear, but there isn't a guarantee. They are more likely to appear with the "Deluxe" order.
I will double check with the client if one of the selected emojis includes something like a zombie, where I will ask if they are ok with body horror/gore etc.
If in the end, the client does not like the suit design, they can be refunded up to 50% of the total cost (the total minus the 30% non refundable deposit, minus a further 20% lucky dip fee), and it will be resold to someone else as a pre-made design.
Not all artistic liberty fursuits will be worth the same amount in terms of complexity, due to the random nature of the design.
Additional items such as hand paws can be ordered with the artistic liberty head, but this will increase the price.
For more information, see pricing: Fursuits
Shipping for a physical item
The dispatch of the items is the artists responsibility. All items are quality checked before dispatch.
Shipping internationally from Ireland tends to be more expensive than other parts of the world. This will mean that the shipping could cost between €300 to €500 to send a fursuit partial overseas.
If you reside in Ireland, expect shipping to range anywhere between €50 and €150 to send your fursuit partial.
If you wish, I can send the item to a postal service such as Addresspal.
Concerning issues with post/courier, the artist is not liable for any issues concerning the delivery of the piece of art, and are not held responsible for any customs charges that may apply for international shipping. Damage that was sustained during the shipping process is the concern of the courier, though a message to me to indicate any issues during the postage is advised, as I can look into using a new courier in the future.
If the item shipped gets lost in the mail, I will not give refunds. It is up to the client to organise compensation with the courier if the item is lost
If the client provides me with the wrong address and the package is lost, I will not give refunds.
It is up to the client to be around during parcel delivery, or to organise someone to be present during delivery, or to organise it being picked up from a drop off point provided by the local postal service. If an item is returned to me to the client not being present when it was being dropped off, then the client will need to pay for shipping again for me to send it out another time.
All items will be shipped from Ireland, and so postage may be high, the cost of this will be paid by the customer.
It is the customers responsibility to pay any customs and export duty on the item.
Buying an item for someone else
Items can be ordered on behalf of another person.
Eg: buying gift art for a friend.
In the case of illustrations, I will ask the character owner if i can draw their character if the item requested is 18+ in theme. If the item is safe for work/suitable for all ages, then I won't need to ask the character owner for permission. -
Fursuit parts can be ordered on behalf of another person, however they forfeit all rights to the commission process, payments, and refunds to the person I am doing business with/paying me for the item. I will request this permission from the character owner before I go ahead with an order like this.
Eg 1: If someone wants to order an item for someone who is under 18, as I only do business with people over 18.
Eg 2: If someone wants to order fursuit parts as a gift for their friend. -
For below:
Person (A) character owner.
Person (B) wants to buy fursuit for friend as a gift. -
Person (A) gives full permission for person (B) to go ahead with the order and pay me for the fursuit item on their behalf. I will then do business soley with person (B) after this permission is granted.
If a problem arises where for example, Person (A) no longer wants to go ahead with the fursuit order, but person (B) does and intends to continue paying, then I will go on person (B)'s judgement as they are paying me and person (A) gave prior consent.
Conversely, if person (A) wants to go ahead with the fursuit order, but person (B) does NOT and intends to cease paying, then I will go on person (B)'s judgement as person (A) gave prior consent.
If a refund is requested, it will be sent to the person paying, Person (B).
If person (A) does something to prevent person (B) being able to pay me for the order, then I hold person (B) responsible.
If person (A) does something to warrant being blacklisted, then both person (A) and Person (B) are blacklisted.
If person (B) does something to warrant being blacklisted, then both person (A) and Person (B) are blacklisted. -
Only offer to pay for someone elses fursuit if you trust them completely.
Digital illustrations
I don't charge for the first 3 big revisions, which have to be limited to the sketch stage. Eg: if you asked me to do a drawing of a character squatting, I send you the rough draft sketch of the pose, and you decide actually you would rather them standing, I can change the drawing no problem at this stage so it isn't an issue. However, if I was at the final stage of a drawing, where I'm adding in highlights and finishing touches to a painting, and you decided you wanted them squatting again, I wouldn't be able to make this big change, as that would be about 8 hours of my time gone into a full illustration we could no longer use.
After that, small changes such as "I think I want their jacket blue rather than green" are easy fixes and there's no limit on such small alterations
If you want a big change after the first 3 allocated revisions, or if it's a change during the final stage of an illustration that's tough to incorporate, then I will charge a small fee, which is determined by the complexity.
Once I have confirmed the final sketch with the client and they give me the go ahead to progress with linework, they must pay the remaining balance in full before I continue.
After I begin on the linework, the client can not claim back any refundable amount if they wish to cancel the order. The exception to this is if I fail to complete a work before a pre-arranged deadline, in which case a refund can be given. The amount of this refund will be calculated on a case by case basis depending on the level of completion.
Pieces containing nudity can be requested, though I retain the right to refuse to do certain projects if I find them distasteful.
Rush orders
If you need a piece by a certain date, let me know before any money is exchanged. A rush order charge may be applied in order to meet your deadline, as this means I will need to work overtime.
I will not be able to create a fursuit head for you in under 3 months, due to having a queue of other clients and limitations on materials being shipped to me.
Content Warning:
Message me to check for anything that hasn't been listed below. I will then add it to one of the two lists.
I can draw the following
Varied body types
Explicit material
Furry/anthropomorphic/feral art
Some vore (case by case basis)
Telegrem sticker
I won't draw the following
Children in explicit artworks or fetishization
Hate art (racism, anti LGBTQIA+, sexism etc)
Someone else's privately owned character in an 18+ situation without their permission